Interpretation of the 14th Five Year Plan for the Development of Health Talents issued by the National Health Commission

  To promote the high-quality development of the healthcare industry and promote the construction of a healthy China, talent is the key. In order to implement the spirit of the Central Conference on Talent Work and the Outline of the "Healthy China 2030" Plan, the National Health Commission has formulated and issued the "14th Five Year Plan for the Development of Health Talents" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") based on the new situation and tasks faced by health work, as well as the new functions and requirements given by institutional reform, adhering to demand orientation, problem orientation, and goal orientation.

  The Plan is divided into six parts.

  The first part is a situation analysis. Including the main achievements made during the 13th Five Year Plan period and the situation faced during the 14th Five Year Plan period.

  The second part is the overall requirements. Including guiding ideology, adherence to principles, and development goals. The development goals include five aspects, namely steady growth in the total amount of talent resources, further optimization of talent structure and regional distribution, further improvement of talent service capabilities, further enhancement of the level of high-end talent aggregation, and further innovation and improvement of talent management systems.

  The third part is to strengthen the construction of the healthcare talent team. One is to improve quality and strengthen the construction of the health technology talent team; The second is to fill the gaps and strengthen the construction of the public health talent team; Thirdly, broaden channels and strengthen the construction of grassroots health talent teams; Fourthly, highlight the characteristics and strengthen the construction of the talent team in traditional Chinese medicine; The fifth is to adapt to the needs and strengthen the construction of talent teams to cope with the aging population; Six is to promote collaborative efforts and coordinate the construction of various talent teams.

  The fourth part is to build a highland for life and health talents.   According to the requirements, it is of utmost importance to cultivate and cultivate a group of strategic scientists, medical leaders, and young talents in the field of health and wellness during the 14th Five Year Plan period. This mainly includes cultivating and cultivating a group of innovative high-level talents, cultivating a team of young talents for life and health, and building high-quality talent support for development.

  The fifth part is to deepen the reform of the talent development system and mechanism. This mainly includes improving mechanisms in four aspects: training and development, mobility allocation, evaluation and utilization, and incentive protection.

  The sixth part is about organizing implementation. This mainly includes strengthening organizational leadership, emphasizing publicity and communication, strengthening monitoring and evaluation, and increasing talent investment.

  Next, the National Health Commission will incorporate the "Plan" into the overall plan for the construction of a healthy China and the development of the healthcare industry, with a unified deployment, coordinated arrangement, and overall promotion. Efforts will be made to address practical issues that have strong talent feedback, and accelerate the construction of the healthcare talent team. Through a series of measures, we aim to continuously improve the service capabilities of healthcare professionals, optimize the distribution of talent structure, actively create a policy and institutional environment for gathering talents, continuously stimulate talent vitality, and provide strong talent support for accelerating the construction of a healthy China.